(ii) AMMA-CATCH processed products

AMMA-CATCH provides several types of services listed in the Table below :

  • The observatory develops innovative methods for mobilizing satellite and in-situ data on "continental surface" issues, in association with either national teams (Theia SEC) or international (ESA, NASA), to which we bring our expertise on West Africa, its vegetation and its climate.
  • AMMA-CATCH develops statistical products and reanalyses.
  • Finally, the observatory participates in specific Calibration-Validation (Cal/Val) campaigns for satellites with its in situ measurement network which is made available in real time for these campaigns.
Type of service Name Object AMMA-CATCH Contribution
Service access
AMMA-CATCH Principal Investigator(s)
Reference Publication(s)
[*In production*]
Reanalysis Climatic dataset A 60-year reconstructed high-resolution local meteorological data set in Central Sahel (1950-2009) Coordination
Data access
C. Léauthaud
Léauthaud et al., 2017
Remote sensing product PrISM Precipitation Inferred from Soil Moisture. Coordination
PrISM 0.1°
PrISM 0.25°
T. Pellarin
Pellarin et al., 2022 ; Pellarin et al., 2020 ;
Roman et al., 2017
Remote sensing product MODIS land MODIS vegetation products : LAI, FAPAR and FCover Participation in the West African part of NASA products :
LAI / FAPAR product
Land Cover product
NASA "Land Validation Team" including E. Mougin P. Hiernaux , M. Diawara
Mougin et al., subm. ;
Rahimi et al., 2021
[*In prototyping*]
Statistical product Rainfall index Annual rainfall index over Sahel Coordination G. Panthou
Panthou et al., 2014 ; 2018 ;
Chagnaud et al. 2021
Remote sensing product Evapotranspiration Mapping of evapotranspiration by satellite imagery. Sahelian part of the Theia product :
A. Olioso
J. Demarty , J. Etchanchu
Allies et al., 2020 ;
Olioso et al., 2018
Remote sensing product Surface Water Quantity and quality of surface water in Sahelian lakes West African part of the Theia product :
Continental water color
J-M. Martinez
M. Grippa , E. Robert
Robert et al., 2016, 2017
Remote sensing product Land use Land cover Sahelian part of the Theia product :
Land Cover
S. Valero
M. Grippa
[*Other services*]
Satellite Cal/Val SMOS
launched in 2009
Soil Moisture and Ocean Salinity satellite West Africa Cal/val
Campaign : 2008-2011
Kerr et al., 2016
Satellite Cal/Val Megha-Tropiques
launched in 2011
Water cycle in the tropical atmosphere
in the context of climate change
West Africa Cal/Val
Campaign : 2010-2012
Rocca et al., 2018
Satellite Cal/Val SMAP
launched in 2015
Soil Moisture Active Passive West Africa Cal/Val
Campaign : 2014-2016
Colliander et al., 2017,
Satellite Cal/Val Ecostress
launched in 2018
ECOsystem Spaceborne Thermal Radiometer Experiment on Space Station West Africa Cal/Val
Campaign : 2017-2019
Fisher et al., 2020
Satellite Cal/Val SWOT
launched in 2022
Surface Water Ocean Topography Mission West Africa Cal/Val
Ongoing campaign : 2021-2023
Grippa et al., 2019
Satellite Cal/Val TRISHNA
(launch planned for 2025)
Thermal infraRed Imaging Satellite for High-resolution Natural resource Assessment West Africa Cal/Val
Upcoming campaigns :
Delogu et al., 2021 ;
Allies et al. 2020

Updated on 8 janvier 2023