> Presentation
> Labels and financial support
Labels and financial support
[(Since its creation, the AMMA-CATCH observatory has received various certifications :
- National Observation Service (SNO) by INSU in 2006, 2009, 2016 and 2022
- South observatory by IRD in 2015.
- Observatory for Environmental Research (ORE) by the French Ministry of Research in 2002
The AMMA-CATCH observatory receives regular support from the following organisations

Institut National des Sciences de l’Univers (INSU) ; Domaine Surfaces et Interfaces Continentales (SIC)
Depuis 2005 - actuel

The AMMA-CATCH observations are or were also funded by the following organisations and programs :

Labex (OSUG@2020)

FSP Recherches Interdisciplinaires et Participatives sur les Interactions entre les Ecosystèmes, le Climat et les Sociétés en Afrique de l’ouest (RIPIECSA)

European Space Agency (ESA)