Types of measurement

Different types of measurements are monitored regularly, with harmonized protocols and identical sensors on all observatory sites (see table below). Geochemical and geophysical campaigns complete these temporal chronicles.

The data available on the AMMA-CATCH data portal can have two levels of quality :

  • "unchecked" : data calibrated
  • "validated" : data calibrated then qualified by a measurement expert (PI)
AMMA-CATCH measurements table
Type of measurementMeasured variablesTypical timestepRemark
Meteorology Air temperature and humidity
Atmospheric pressure
Wind speed and direction
Radiative budget (incoming and outgoing radiation)*
30 minutes
Precipitation Precipitation 5 minutes AMMA-CATCH has a dense network of rain gauges which justifies its distinction from weather stations
Surface water Pond water level or river discharge
Water temperature*
10 min to 1 hour, depending on the watershed Rating curves updated annually
Ground Water Water table level
pH and water température
1h to 1 day
Soil Moisture Soil moisture profile (0-1m)
Soil temperature profile (0-1m)
Soil water succion profile (0-1m)
30 minutes
Surface flux Eddy covariance (Sensible and latent heat flux, CO2 flux)
CO2 Mean concentration
Soil heat flux
30 minutes
Vegetation Biomass
FAPAR, FCover*
sap flow*
decadal (herbaceous)
every 4 years (trees)
hourly (sapflow)
Water and soil chemistry Major and trace elements
Water isotopes
campaign Soil profiles C, N, P (0-0.5m) at Dahra
Geophysical characteristics Carte et panneaux de résistivité
Carte de teneur en eau RMP et porosité cinématique RMP
campaign Electrical and Electromagnetic Characterization (TDEM) ;
Magnetic Resonance Sounding (MRS)

* : on a limited number of stations or sites