Ferlo Complementary Site - Senegal

The Ferlo site, in a north-Sahelian climate, is located in a region dedicated mainly to pastoralism, comparable to that of the Gourma mesosite (Mali). The instrumented site is located in the "Centre de Recherches Zootechniques de Dahra" (CRZ), belonging to the "Institut Sénégalais de Recherches Agricoles" (ISRA). Since 2002, the Institute of Geography of Copenhagen (Denmark), the University of Lund (Sweden) and the Technical Institute of Karlsruhe (Germany) have instrumented the site to document the radiative, meteorological and thermal properties of a tree savanna, in relation to climatic variability (Tagesson et al., 2014). A station of the SNO INDAAF (International Network to study Deposition and Atmospheric composition in Africa) is co-located at Dahra.

[(The objectives of AMMA-CATCH for this complementary site are :

  • to monitor rainfall, soil moisture, and biomass at two stations in the northern Sahelian climate for evaluation of remote sensing products of soil moisture and vegetation.
  • document the spatial and temporal (monthly) dynamics of soil carbon, nitrogen and phosphorus contents, along a dune-interdune toposequence, thus complementing the long-term monitoring carried out at CRZ since the 1960s (Ndiaye et al., 2014) and that of SNO INDAAF.

AMMA-CATCH monitoring of the Ferlo site began in 2013 with a soil moisture monitoring. This is currently the only AMMA-CATCH site located in the northern Sahel. Data acquired by other teams are not included in the AMMA-CATCH database.

 » Senegal : Map of instruments deployed at the FerloComplementary Site)]


Complementary site : Map of the ferlo site - Senegal


Updated on 26 janvier 2022