(i) AMMA-CATCH in situ data

Data Portal :

AMMA-CATCH Data portal inventories and disseminates data and products from the observatory in order to facilitate access to them for the scientific community.

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Description of available datasets

A dataset brings together the observations of a device, or group of devices, set up for a scientific purpose. Each dataset present in the database is described by a DOI.

Terms of use

AMMA-CATCH data is made available under the CC-BY 4.0 license (Creative Commons Attribution License, version 4.0). Access to and use of data are governed by the AMMA-CATCH data policy.

For any publication using AMMA-CATCH data, authors are asked to :

[*Mandatory*] : cite the reference article and the DOI of the observatory

[*Optional*] : cite the DOI of each dataset used.

[*Co-authorship*] : depending on the contribution of the data to the scientific results obtained, the authors should either propose co-authorship to the data providers or at least acknowledge their contribution.)]

Updated on 25 août 2023