Zinder Complementary site site - Niger

The Zinder site is located in a Sahelian climate, in an area where dykes, weirs and dams have been built by the Nigerien state to promote small-scale irrigation by rural households. This site has been monitored by the University of Zinder since April 2019 as part of the project "Access and use of surface water in the Zinder region : impacts of climate variability and appropriation dynamics".

The site is currently equipped with a rain gauge, 15 rain gauges and a climatological station. Measurements of soil properties and monitoring of 3 water bodies are also carried out. The site is co-located with piezometric monitoring of the "Plan d’Action National de Gestion Intégrée des Ressources en Eau" (PANGIRE) and aerosol monitoring by photometer (SNO Photon/Aeronet).

This site is being studied by the University of Zinder to better understand why the water bodies are not being developed further (recent assessment reports a mere 23% use of available water bodies).

[(AMMA-CATCH’s objectives for this additional site are :

  • to improve rainfall monitoring and assess geographic variability of rainfall
  • to include these data, as well as data from the weather station and water body height variations acquired by the University of Zinder, in the AMMA-CATCH database and to ensure their safeguarding in the long term.

At this additional site, AMMA-CATCH measurements will begin in 2021.

Map of Zinder site)]


Complementary site : Map of the Zinder site - Niger


Updated on 26 janvier 2022