French and International measurement networks

**1) Member of Critical Zone Observatory networks


[**France : *] The AMMA-CATCH observatory is a member of OZCAR, the French network of Critical Zone Observatories : Research and Applications. OZCAR is a distributed national Research Infrastructure aiming at an integrated understanding of the Earth’s surface processes, from underground to the lower atmosphere, and from high mountains to coastal areas. This network comprise 21 elementary observatories located in French territories and developing countries.

[**Europa : *]The OZCAR RI is a member of the European RI "Long-Term Ecosystem Research in Europe" eLTER. eLTER has been on the European roadmap ESFRI since 2018. The preparatory projects eLTER-PPP and eLTER-PLUS [2020-2025] allow to build the infrastructure with 23 Europeans countries.

[**Global : *] The AMMA-CATCH observatory is a member of the international "Critical Zone Exploration Network" CZEN. CZEN’s primary goal is to create a network of observatories for investigating Critical Zone processes

**2) Member of Specialised measurement networks

The AMMA-CATCH observatory provides data to the following specialised measurement networks :

FLUXNET : Integrating Worlwide CO2, Water and Energy Flux Measurements
Integrating Worlwide CO2, Water and Energy Flux Measurements
The International Soil Moisture Network
Sites du Niger (2)
et du Bénin (2)

**3) Shared sites

Some measurement networks have one or more shared sites and maintain scientific relations with AMMA-CATCH . These relationships are not yet formalized.

Réseau international pour étudier les dépôts et la composition atmosphérique en Afrique
Sites de
Banizoumbou (Niger), Djougou (Bénin) et Dahra (Sénégal)
Photons/AERONET :
Service d’observation sur les aérosols, membre du réseau mondial Aerosol Robotic Network (AERONET)
Site de Zinder (Niger)
Service international de géodynamique et des marées terrestres. Il n’y a que 2 gravimètres supraconducteurs en Afrique
Site de Nalohou (Bénin)
Ground-Based Global Positioning System (GPS) Meteorology Integrated Precipitable Water Vapor (IPW)
Site de Djougou (Bénin)