Benin 2024

River water level monitoring : Oueme, Alpouro and Donga (daily update).

Water level (raw data) recorded since the beginning of the hydrological year at Beterou (Oueme river, Benin). This hydrometric station belongs to the Beninese national hydrological network ; it is co-managed by the General Directorate of Water and the AMMA-CATCH observatory.


Water level (raw data) recorded since the beginning of the hydrological year at Bori (Alpouro river, Benin). This hydrometric station belongs to the Beninese national hydrological network ; it is co-managed by the General Directorate of Water and the AMMA-CATCH observatory.


Water level (raw data) recorded since the beginning of the hydrological year at Donga bridge (Donga river, Benin). This hydrometric station belongs to the river monitoring network of the AMMA-CATCH observatory

Updated on 9 avril 2024